Q2: Wright
Q3: Rustburg, VA
Q4: Business Office, Liberty Christian Academy
Q5: Ricky Moore
Q6: One child, Hunter, 10 years old
Q7: We would be traveling at night and while most were asleep, you'd find Gordon on the back of the bus with a group of guys around him talking about youth work. His love for youth was SO contagious. One night, I was going to the bathroom on the bus and saw one lone light on in the back and it looked like Jesus and the disciples sitting back there talking about ministry.
Also, a funny memory: We were in Texas (about 10-12 of us) for a rally and he stood on a folding chair to lead the crowd in "Get All Excited" (of course!) and the chair folded up on him. He was stuck and he turned around to us on stage and said, "Somebody want to get me out of this?!" Brian Abe was my singing partner that weekend and he handed me his mic and lost it! It was hilarious! Also, one more: He'd never let you end a sentence w/ a preposition! Example: "where is he at?" That would drive him crazy.
My favorite quote: "We didn't come to be ministered to but to minister." Also, "don't sing ""Whatever It Takes"" unless you mean it - you're singing this song to the Lord." It always brought back the truth of that song and how we should take what we do very seriously and humbly.
Q8: Natashia and I continued singing through the years together and we would talk about how Gordon had instilled in us the importance of "ministry". That concept alone changed my life forever. The Lord sent Gordon into my life at just the right time and he has been a vital part of my life through the years. The years I spent with the chorale were a great time of growth.
There was a time in the early 80's after he moved to Texas that I was going through a very deep valley. He just "happened" to come by and check on me. He took me to lunch and counseled me for weeks after he went back home. Of course, I know the Holy Spirit sent him by that day :) There are so many wonderful memories and I'm so thankful he allowed me to travel with the Chorale.
Q10: I can't WAIT for the reunion!!!!