Q3: Mt. Juliet TN
Q4: Retail Store Manager
Q5: Leslie Smith
Q6: Zachary 28 - Married to Jenny - Bio-Medical Engeneering Degree, Vanderbilt. Attending University of Tennessee Pharmacy School
Ashley 25 - BS Liberty University, Masters in Social Work from University of Tennesse
Q7: Sunday School is the HUB of the ministry.
The wheel graphic.
Gordon grinding his right fist into his left palm stressing the above.
Q8: It was Gordon, and more directly Dave Adams, teaching "Youth Aflame" class where the final exam was to explain your "call".
I "aced" the exam, but realized that as much as I loved working with teenagers, the call was from my head and not my heart. I realized that for every Gordon Luff in life there had to be 100 Jim Newtons to work with, help, and most of all pray for him to make a youth program work.
Q9: This is corny but...the 3 years at Liberty did more to shape the person that I am than 30 years of business experience. Going to Liberty, in what I call, "The Pioneer Days", was an adventure in and of itself. In managing people I still refer to "things I learned in a religion class in college".
Later I was fortunate to be working in the church with our youth minister, Richard Ross, where the "TRUE LOVE WAITS" program began. What a thrill to be involved in something that affected so many millions of teenagers world wide.
Q10: The text book for Youth Aflaim class one year was "How To Win Friends And Influence People". Gordon's exams were "fill in the blank" and "write the list". I used to walk down the road in the country reading and not turn around and walk back until I had it memorized. (I was in real good shape back then)! I had an instructor in seminars later say that "exams like that were the sign of a lazy teacher and were not good in actual learning". I have to beg to differ. "The most important thing to a person is his name" is one memorized phrase that will forever be part of my "ministry".
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