Q3: Forest, VA
Q4: VP for Student Affairs, Liberty University
Q5: Toy Yelvington
Q6: Rachel - 26 married to Graham Harrison - one daughter, Emma Leigh - 5 months old - ypu, grandkids are great!
Jessica - 23
Emily - 18
Q7: I surrendered to full time youth ministry after hearing Gordon preach in the old Pate chapel at a Youth conference in the spring of 1973. Little did I know that youth ministry would be invested at Liberty University.
"It is a sin to bore young people with the Word of God."
"It is a shame to offend young people with your breath." I carry a box of altoids with me, to this day. :+)
There are soooooo many more but I will leave it with those two.
Q8: Ministry is my life. Ministry before God to my family, my church and my work.
Q9: So many adventures, so little space.
I passed through an incredibly deep valley of depression in my mid 30's, during which time I came to know God, His Son and the comfort of His Holy Spirit in unimaginable ways. Wouldn't trade the experience for anything, wouldn't want to go back, ever.
Working with and getting to know Dr. Falwell and his giant heart for people impacted my life forever. His influence and stamp are still all over this mountain to this day.
Working Scaremare for a number of years taught me the value of hard work and the joy of investing in eternity.
Q10: Thank you Gordon, Dennis, Roscoe and all the Youth Aflame peeps out there. I may not have known each of you personally but being in this family is special!
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