Q2: Bush
Q3: League City, Texas
Q4: Teacher-gifted/talented how to start a business/Prodution manager at an embroidery shop
Q5: Barry Holzbach (1979)
Q6: Micah Mitchell - October 8,1979 (29)
Jeremiah(Jeremy)Le - January 29,1984 (25
Q7: I remember him using on word WORK. I do not remember what words he used to describe each letter. However, this word has a driving force for me in all I have done. It was always about what your ethic was. I attached these words:
I felt that if I had the right knowledge the work would be done right.
Of course my favorite memory would have to be Gordon being my pastor in my wedding.
Q8: I believe it all goes back to the work ethic. It has always been a driving force for me. If you do something that competes with the world do it better than the world.
Q9: Life-right? I do not think there is enough space for me to write. Let me see, Marriage, being a Mom, loosing parents,and getting older. The birth of my first son Micah, God showed me His miracles-one after another. He was born with a serious heart condition, then had a massive stroke when he was 1 and open heart surgery at 16 months. Through my second son Jeremy, God showed me His gifts. God has just blessed him in all ways. Through many family job losses, God has shown His provision, and through marriage turmoil God showed me how to forgive. In my extreme grief in the death of my Mom, God showed me his great compassion for me. But of all the things God has transformed in my life it would be how His faithfulness would get me through anything and give me faith to give to others.
Q10: I am thankful for my time at Liberty, for the friends and education. But mostly for the example that men of God gave to a young person like me. That has helped me be the example before my sons. I haven't done everything right, of course. But, I am thankful that both my sons love the Lord and are committed Christians. that is the best legacy any of us can have.
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