Monday, May 18, 2009

Barbara Trower Simpkins

Q1: Barbara-Trower Simpkins

Q2: Barbara Trower

Q3: North Carolina

Q4: Director, Army Family Programs

Q5: Jimmie Simpkins

Q6: Ashley Simpkins 18
Steven Simpkins 14

Q7: So many memories of Gordon Luff. Standing out on Front Porch as Elvira with hook man Gordon during Scare Mare, his patience and believing in a stubborn 17 year old (me), his enthusiam, energy and vision for both lost souls and college students who were under his leadership. His famous quote I remember: Believe in what you are doing and always keep God as the center of your focus.

Q8: Going to Korea with Youth Aflame gave me the passion to go back. I started my career by going back to Korea and working with Military Families, and have been working/designing programs for Soldiers and their Families for over 24 years in several different countries.

Q9: God continues to mold my life. Everyday appears to be a new adventure, some I learn from and others unfortunately takes awhile to learn. Thank goodness he never gives up on us. (sounds a lot like Gordon Luff) Thank God Gordon had the patience of Job and the prayers of Daniel to never give up on some of us.

Q10: Looking forward to reconnecting with old friends after so many years

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

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