Monday, July 20, 2009

Debra Waggett Huhn

Q1: Debra Huhn 78' alumni

Q2: Waggett

Q3: Pittsburgh PA

Q4: pastor

Q5: Ken Huhn 77' alumni

Q6: Ben Huhn (son) age 20
Heather Huhn Cooper age 25-husband:Chris Cooper both LU alumni 2004
3 grandchildren: Evan Cooper 3yr.
Levi Cooper 19mo.
Adella Cooper 4months

Q7: "Everything rises and falls on leadership" and if you are going to represent the Lord's ministry it better be with excellence. Gordon made me believe that I could impact others lives.

Q8: I give honor to Gordon for awakening my heart toward youth ministry. Before Liberty I was brought up in a church that looked down upon females and youth!When I came to Liberty I did not believe the Lord could use me in any significant way.
After watching Gordon and the other Youth leaders I realized they placed value on both, guys & girls. After working with Word of Life clubs,I embraced the calling of being a leader.

Q9: While reading the Word,the Lord emphasised Psalm 68:20 to me. I knew it was a verse that I would minister to someone. Seven days later my mom had a massive heart attack. I spent all day seeking the Lord whether it was her time to "go home". The doctors called the family to come because she was not going to make it through the night. On the way to the hospital the Lord spoke to my heart that He had given me His Word already. I went in and my mom was turning a deep orange, all her organs were failing. Just as the Lord showed me I began to pray that scripture over my mom. I was not concerned about what others thought, I wanted to see God's power. The Lord raised her up from a death bed and everyone knew it was a miracle. Now I have a boldness to believe the Lord for seemingly impossible situations.

Q10: My husband and I minister together. I never thought I would marry a pastor. After all, I don't play the piano or lead a choir! We just purchased a "social hall" complex, we are keeping the bar area to have coffee house so the community can see that believers are approachable. The Pgh.Post Gazette contacted us to do an article, they thought it was unique for a church to buy a "bar".There have been many church buildings turned into bars and restaurants, we thought it was time to turn that around! We plan to do it all first class Gordon!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

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