Q3: Birmingham (Hoover) Alabama
Q4: International Director for an orphan care adoption agency
Q5: I live with my girlfirend.. and wife of 25 years.. Johnna Harrison
Q6: Katie (21) University of Alabama
Kristen (18) Mississippi State University
Harrison (8) Third Grade Green Belt
Q7: I was in the high school YA Basketball League playing on a team with Gordon's boys. During a timeout close to the end of the game Gordon wraps his arm around me and says (with tremendous passion, belief, and urgency), "the whole game depends on you!" I had been on the bench most of the game.. I thought he was crazy until I get in at the end of the game.. I had so much confidence I made the winning shot. I'll never forget that moment! My whole life I have tried to mimic that quality.. to be a person who would believe in the underdog, the bench kid.. I have seen many bench kids make winning shots in life.. thanks Gordon!!
Q8: When Gordon dies it will take 15 years for his heart to quit.. no one has more passion! Every kid needs to know that someone on the planet believes in what they can be.. understanding the potential of a kid makes you say, "Down with the winnie roast and up with the steak fry"!
Q9: Hmmm.. I am a recovering "Legalist" Its funny how being confronted with your own sinfulness can do that. The world, and often the church, takes what's broken and trashes it.. while God is irrestibly drawn to it. I'm broken and God is crazy about me! God's GRACE leaves me speechless!!
Q10: Most of you guys don't know me.. I was just a silly high school kid when you were in your hey day.. I even hesitated to register because of this.. wow that was embarrassing to admit. But I was shaped by many of the names on this list so I am coming.. to look many of you in the eye and say "thanks" ..I also want to get out of Alabama for a few days :) See you there!
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