Q2: Nancy Terris (Mark refuses to share his)
Q3: Nashville, TN
Q4: Christian radio / music promotions
Q5: married for 28 years and counting
Q6: Chad, lives in Lynchburg VA. Married to Adena with 2+ sons, Sage and Orion (and at least one more on the way...we think they may be starting their own baseball team).
Devon, lives in Fort Walton Beach FL. Married to Hollie with 1 son Landon and one daughter Audrie.
Q7: "The fish stinks from the head down".
I have referenced that so many times, both good and bad. Fish can have a beautiful aroma if it's prepared correctly and in the proper time. That teaching reminds me every day that people want an authentic leader. Someone they can look up to and relate to, and follow with pride & admiration.
Q8: Nancy and I have talked often of how we would not be where we are had it not been for Gordon's ministry. The way he poured himself into Larry Colclasure, Doug Turner and Dennis Henderson have had a profound impact on our lives. (so many others could be listed as well who had a hand in touching our hearts) We are who we are and are anchored in our faith because of his investment into young lives. I've told folks many times that our time at Thomas Road in the 70's was like catching lightning in a bottle. It hardly ever happens, and we are enormously blessed because it did.
Q9: There have been so many adventures the past 28 years. Ups, downs, good and bad, and God has always been there. It would take a book to list them all. Probably the most dramatic transformation/growth was resigning from a Worship Leader/Youth position at a church without another position to land in, but knowing it was what He wanted me to do. God used that time and that experience to touch, mold and guide us to where we are today.
Q10: I believe that all of us to were touched by Gordon's ministry have received an education in ministry and life that would not have been possible otherwise. I am looking forward to the opportunity of seeing him, giving him a hug, and letting him know just how much his ministry has meant to our family....and personally.
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