Monday, August 24, 2009

Ric Revely

Q1: Ric Revely


Q3: Huntington WV

Q4: Asst. Pastor

Q5: Geane'

Q6: Richard K Revely II

Mark A Revely
Endia T revely
Erica J Revely

Q7: Get all excited.

Q8: Meeting Gordon Luff and his family ~I remember his son who where a joy to work with and be around both in Lynchburg and in Dallas Tx makes me know that God is a forgiving God , that he looks beyond any of human weakness and and lack of understanding and still shines his mercy and grace upon each of us. Thanks, Gordon, for showing me God that God does not see me as man often does! that he see my heart and not the color of my skin, and that I am wonderfully and divinely made by an eternial and everlasting God of love .

Q9: There has been so so very many that have been a part of transforming my life and ministry, But being at Liberty back in the day of riding the old yellow school buses that oftened broke down, there I learned to pray and trust God! even there when I felt rejection because of the color of my skin. I still Knew that God has lead me there ,getting to be involved with the TRYM~Thomas road youth ministry with Dennis Henderson ~ Who was God sent into my life. (And Who again invited me to Dallas ) Wow it all was such a blessing that still makes me smile yes there was hard times , hurting times, even disappoiting time But as Doug O would sang " Through it all I've leaned to trust in God... yes Through it all. Then getting hooked up with the Youth Aflame Singers, going to the high school and Churches , sharing our faith and love for God.. "That was a movement" And I Know God is still moving in our lives today.. praise his holy name.The movement still lives in each other us that believe.

Q10: Having been in Ministry now over 30 years,being ordained by three differnet religious bodies,.. God has shown me how to serve. Whereever it might be at that time, I rememeber Liberty ~ LBC Where Dr. Falwell would say.not only give me that mountain, but he started out trying to train us to believe in whatever area we served keep God first and be a witness.And that all I have been doing and I plan to do until the day he calls me home.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

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