Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dave Adams

Q1: David Adams


Q3: Jeffersonville, Indiana

Q4: Youth Professor. Exec. Dir. Int'l Center for Youth & Family Ministry

Q5: Becky

Q6: Children: Jeremy, Joshua, Lindsay

Grand Children: Hunter, Anthony, G-Asia

Q7: 1973 youth conference. This was my confirmation call to youth ministry and the event that prompted Becky and I to move to Lynchburg and join the staff. Chirs Tice was a key; Gordon's message on the call to youth minsitry, Vernon Brewer's professionalism and heart for mobilizing teens to go to missions, Roscoe's World passion, etc,......

Q8: Dr. Falwell and Gordon have been used to affirm my calling to "recruit, train, place and network local church youth ministers globally". The "church is the labratory for training."
Between the two of them I was mentored in an environment that demands that we should be: FEARLESS, AND ATTEMPT THE "BIG THING" Step out in Faith. Very addictive stuff! I'm not over it yet.

Q9: Personal: Son Josh's open heart surgery, Son Jeremy's cancer, My father's death (his conversion months before his death)and offociating his funeral; Researching and completing dissertation documenting Youth Ministry as a movement Demonstrating how Falwell and Luff contributed to its history); Dr. Falwell's funeral. Speaking in front of the Trade Center (Liberty Park) to hundreds of American Phillapianos two days before the attack. Meeting various international leaders (i.e. President of Kenya) and denominatioanl leaders.

Ministry: Founding and developing the CYM at Southern Seminary/Boyce College with a team of four professors, support staff, budget, and a dedicated building. This year, in addition to graduating undergratuate/graduate students, we graduated three more Ph.D youth Ministry Students.

Q10: Married 38 years, Becky and I continue, to this day, doing what we sensed called us to do in 1970. I have taught YM courses, without interruption, since 1978 at Liberty, Lexington Baptist, and now at Southern Seminary/Boyce College. Currently, In Louisville, KY,I serve as the Executive Director of the International Center for Youth Ministry (CYM), Associate Dean, and Professor of Youth Minitry. Hosting hundreds, I've traveled to 21 different countries and assisted in the development of nine (9) CYMs overseas. The SBTS/Boyce core curicullum is now translated into the languages of these countries' CYMs.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

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