Monday, August 31, 2009

Susie Pence Schliep

Q1: Susie Schliep

Q2: Pence

Q3: Deptford, NJ

Q4: high school English teacher

Q5: David Schliep

Q6: Joshua, Cami, Joanna

Q7: How do you isolate just one? And how do you remember exact quotes at my age? Gordon was an example. We wanted to please him, and ultimately, many of us have been involved with ministry our whole lives because of his influence. That's quite the legacy. I will never forget his face while we sang some of those great songs...head back, eyes closed...

Q8: I have been involved in ministry ever since my leaving Liberty. For years, I belonged to a group, Cornerstone, with fellow YA members Buz and Sarge Offenbacker, sang in Randy Smith productions, etc. Now, after a short break my husband David and I are getting involved in a new church in Jersey. David is an amzing keyboard player, so our focus is the worship ministry. All of that stems from what we did in YA/Choral.

Q9: I can't pinpoint just one. My whole life has been an effort to please and serve God. I'm definitely not perfect, but my father defined failure as "giving up" and success as a tenacious resolve to never give up. That advice has steered me through challenging relationshipe, child-rearing, a bout with cancer, and other events. As Christians, we are so blessed to live a transformed life because God is constantly honing and teaching us. So I would say that life is the on-going adventure that God uses to constantly transform me.

Q10: Yes, this to Gordon and Dottie. It's been a long time, and I can't wait to see you. Dottie, I so appreciated your letters, which came at a time I was fighting cancer, and Gordon, I am grateful how you rescued Cami and her team in California. I have so much to tell you!!!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Lee Adkins

Q1: Lee Adkins


Q3: Lynchburg Va.

Q4: Truck driver

Q5: Kathryn Collins Adkins

Lynn Adkins Hill 47 husband Billy

Lisa Adkins Ramsey 42 husband Kieth

Teresa Adkins Deutsch 41 husband David
Anita Adkins Witt 40 husband Tony

6 Grandchildren 2 Great Grandchilden

Q7: Well Christy was right when she said Gordon didn't allow "WHERE IS IT "AT" "? I remember so well the many times he would
correct me. It got so I would go home and correct my family. There were many memoriess good, seeing the faces on the people as the kids sang. Bad long nights of no sleep.

Q8: Being a truck driver I use my CB radio to tell the word of God. Shareing what Gordon and others on the team taught me. This ministry gave me the foundation in which I grew on.

Q9: Kathryn and I had some problems with two of our children . One on drugs so bad she was near death many times. God taught us to give it all over to him. We did and today she using her life for the Lord. The other is doing better but is in a bad marriage. We pray for a good end.

The roots Gordon Dr. Jerry and others helped us put down gave us that strength we needed to let go of them.

Q10: From 1976 to 1982 I drove a bus for the glory of the Lord. Now Kathryn and I drive our 18 wheeler to Ca. and back each week and praise the Lord all the way. She has been my codriver for 17 years and my wife and best friend for 48. Thank you Gordon and Dottie for our early years of growing

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vickie Arthur Claybaugh

Q1: Vickie Love Claybaugh

Q2: Vickie Love Arthur

Q3: Glen Rock, PA

Q4: Personal Care Assistant

Q5: Scott Claybaugh

Q6: Evelyn Doherty-daughter age 22
Eleanor Claybaugh-daughter age 18
Eric Claybaugh-son age 17
Ethan Claybaugh-son age 17
Eli Claybaugh-son age 15
Emma Claybaugh-daughter age 13
Everette Claybaugh-son age 11

Q7: "Walking in the Spirit is making the right decisions."

Q8: I attended Treasure Island Youth Camp back in 1971-72 when Gordon was the director. I remember being challenged to follow Jesus.
I grew up in the TRBC Youth Dept. and was involved in Word of Life Bible Clubs in Jr. High, then All God's Children in Sr. High and then went to Texas for a few months with Youth Aflame in 1980. Throughout all those years I kept hearing the same message, FOLLOW JESUS, No turning back. Those words have helped me in times of tough decisions.

Q9: God has allowed me the blessing of being a wife and mother in a Christian home and the privilege and awesome task of raising seven adorable children. God has taught me so much about Himself through this calling.

Q10: Not only did Gordon have an impact on my life, but his lovely wife, Dottie, had an enormous impact on me. She was an example of a contented gracious wife and mother. She prayed with me after a service one evening at TRBC as I committed my life to full time Christian service. I didn't know what all that meant exactly, but I knew it was a decision to follow Jesus no matter where He would lead me.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Friday, August 28, 2009

Debra Bush Holzbach

Q1: Debra Holzbach

Q2: Bush

Q3: League City, Texas

Q4: Teacher-gifted/talented how to start a business/Prodution manager at an embroidery shop

Q5: Barry Holzbach (1979)

Q6: Micah Mitchell - October 8,1979 (29)
Jeremiah(Jeremy)Le - January 29,1984 (25

Q7: I remember him using on word WORK. I do not remember what words he used to describe each letter. However, this word has a driving force for me in all I have done. It was always about what your ethic was. I attached these words:
I felt that if I had the right knowledge the work would be done right.

Of course my favorite memory would have to be Gordon being my pastor in my wedding.

Q8: I believe it all goes back to the work ethic. It has always been a driving force for me. If you do something that competes with the world do it better than the world.

Q9: Life-right? I do not think there is enough space for me to write. Let me see, Marriage, being a Mom, loosing parents,and getting older. The birth of my first son Micah, God showed me His miracles-one after another. He was born with a serious heart condition, then had a massive stroke when he was 1 and open heart surgery at 16 months. Through my second son Jeremy, God showed me His gifts. God has just blessed him in all ways. Through many family job losses, God has shown His provision, and through marriage turmoil God showed me how to forgive. In my extreme grief in the death of my Mom, God showed me his great compassion for me. But of all the things God has transformed in my life it would be how His faithfulness would get me through anything and give me faith to give to others.

Q10: I am thankful for my time at Liberty, for the friends and education. But mostly for the example that men of God gave to a young person like me. That has helped me be the example before my sons. I haven't done everything right, of course. But, I am thankful that both my sons love the Lord and are committed Christians. that is the best legacy any of us can have.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Tim Fox

Q1: Timothy J Fox


Q3: Redding Californa

Q4: Creative Marketing

Q5: Valinda Fox


Q7: Gordon at a ILA Ralley rehersal acting Like Dr Jerry Blah, Blah,..
Q8: Gordon always had a wider vision, and wanted all of the LBC Chorale to understand the call of God on each life...

Q9: When we traveled to L.A. did the shows on the way We sang a song "let me see the world through your eyes" and then to Korea, this trip changed me. I saw people in other counties, loved America, and wanted Jesus Christ as their Lord.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gil Vining

Q1: Gil Vining


Q3: Gilbertsville PA

Q4: Associate Pastor

Q5: Dawn Henley

Q6: Brandon and Jonathan are my sons and Keisha and Laura are our daughters. Dawn and I have two grandchildren, Reagan and Lance

Q7: The first meeting between myself and Gordon was Scare Mare in 1973. It was Awesome. He was a bit scary back then and I was a bit rough around the edges, so it worked.

Q8: I think both Gordon, Jerry and Roscoe all instilled in me a vision and a passion for people that has not faded. It was an honor to be with such men of faith.

Q9: My life was most changed during my college years. I had the honor and privelege to be under Roscoe Brewer. He was a wonderful spiritual mentor for me. Because of him, I had the faith to start a church, and take three other churches on there first missions experiences.


Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bob Gehman

Q1: Bob Gehman


Q3: Baltimore MD

Q4: Executive Director

Q5: Karon L. Gehman

Q6: Robert K.Gehman Jr.
Jennifer Leigh Gehman
three grandchildren ages 6,4,2

Q7: Many good memories!But I'll never forget a confrontation we had late one night in the James River Room in the Stewart Arms Hotel.Outcome was good and respect increased.

Q8: Build a team,get things done,persevere, and be the best are valuable lessons I learned from Gordon.

Q9: Out of my greatest pain have come the deepest lessons of life, the greatest positive changes in my life and and the most significant service to others.
For me the pain was a spouse struggling with alcoholism and a lost marriage.Today I understand addicts and lead a Christian faithbased nonprofit organization in Baltimore with 400 homeless addicts enrolled in a one year residential spiritual recovery progam.I've been doing this work for 15 years and more enthused then ever.

Q10: Our time at Lynchburg provided us with seeds of greatness but it also left me with a narrow view of the world that was painful to break through.Looking back I see God in everything.I have no regrets and would not change a thing. It will be good to come back to Lynchburg!!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bobby Jones

Q1: Bobby Jones


Q3: Rowlett, Texas

Q4: National Sales Manager

Q5: Teresa (Barlow)

Q6: Craig 24 , Carissa 20

Q7: My favorite quote while @ Liberty was not from Gordon but he lived it out daily. The Quote was from Dr. Fallwell "You do not determine a mans greatness through his wealth or gain but what it takes to discourage him"

Q8: From greaseing up the hull of a ship making ready to go to Haiti to during deliver food during Thanksgiving "77" to the Womens Federal prison in WV to a State mental Hospital seeing a waterhead baby less than 3 ft tall @ the age of 18 express his love through just the touch of a hand and on to the other parts of the world Korea, Tawain, Australia cannot forget Hawaii. God has allowed me to see more than I ever imagined but has given me a heart to help others as the need arises.

Q9: Realizing that through tough economic times in the early 80's in Houston, Texas that God can use us as much not being on a full time paid staff but willing just to go as he leads.

Q10: Gordon, in your YA Activities class we did a complete 108 page Activities Binder for all 3 departments - Major - Minor & Service activity for each department. No where were we given any instructions on how to carry out a "Hatfield & McCoy" feud promotion. While having live animals in the fellowship hall during the kickoff we were not told that live animals would react to a blank gun going off. Needless to say we had to evacuate the whole building due to an enormous sulfer & amonia smell for the remaining of the Sunday School hour. What a KICK OFF

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Danny Snyder

Q1: Dan(ny) Snyder

Q2: Same as Above

Q3: Greenville, SC

Q4: Locomotive Engineer

Q5: Pam (Carver) Snyder

Q6: Mason Snyder - 22
Sterling Snyder - 21


Q8: His vision for youth ministry and the leadership team he put together are responsible for my salvation.

Q9: The Adventure of Life! I can catagorize them into two stages BS and ABS (Before Salvation / After Being Saved).
BS - I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home. My parents were career missionaries. I don't ever remember a time when I did not believe in God. But I witnessed so much legalism and hypocracy in other missionaries and both saw and experienced the damage it causes. It turned me away from God and Christianity. And I knew that without God in my life I was a better person than they were.

It wasn't until we came to the US of A in 1976 and settled in good ole Lynchburg, VA that I saw another side to Chritianity. Doug Turner was the first TRY leader I met who impacted my life. He showed me that Christians can be happy and enjoy life and loved me unconditionally, inspite of me. After Doug, I figured the other leaders couldn't be too bad and I startd to hang around more and more. He opened the door in this adventure for me. It was a year later at summer camp in New Jersey, at the Marcucci Farm, when I told Dennis Henderson I wanted to have Jesus in my life - a year of observing to see if these happy Christian people were for real or hypocrates like the rest of them. I lacked the joy, peace and contentment in my life that only comes from God. I wanted to "know" Him and have a real relationship with Him rather than just believe in Him, His existnce because that is what I was always taught. With BJ Thomas and Evie music playing over the loud speakers, Dennis prayed with me and personally introduced me to my Lord.

ABS - I was real involved in TRY/YAF thoughout my Jr and Sr years at LCA, singing in All Gods Children, Young Believers, playing football and basketball in the TRBC league. TRY/YAF became my life.

The examples lived by our youth pastors those years taught me many lessons that have grealy impacted my life - even more so than what they preached. And I have to mention Larry who made me feel welcomed and at home in All God's Children. I learned a lot of "real life" lessons observing him those years. In some very stressful situations, although not perfect, he always sought to do right and honor God. He was the "real thing" and consistent.

Life progressed - college, grad school and grad school, marriage, kids and career. This was when the rubber hit the road (you thought I was going to say where the rubber met the road) and those lessons I learned resurfaced in my life - it was test time. I cannot say I always passed, was consistent or was an example to be followed. I have exerienced just about all there is to experience. To name a few, two different business ventures failed due to improprieties of Christian partners, corporate buyout in another business resulting in prolonged unemployment, financial ruin, depression, brian tumor, bad car wreck, etc. (and there is much more). For years I struggled and asked God to help me learn what He was trying to teach me, why was I a slow learner, why wasn't I "getting it", were constant questions I kept asking myself. Then I reached a breaking point when I cried out to Him and told Him I wasn't Job...He had the wrong man! I threw out all the bibles I had, quit church and gave up on God. My struggles continued several more years before life started to turn around for me. I can't say I had a Damascus Road experience. After job hopping for years I started a new career that I love. I had passed the 40 milestone and gnawing at me was my search for significance. And guess who was behind that? Yes, it was Him. And that single set of footprints when I was trying to make it on my own, you know were His, carrying me. This is so much more than a cliche' to me. When my eyes were opened again and I saw that "He was there all the time" I prayed, asking Him to "take me the place where I first received Him". Music has played a huge role in my life. The words to "Through It All" resonate in my mind and heart. And so many of the songs we learned and sang those years have brought to home so many truths and have been such an inspiration to me.

I regret I will not be able to attend the reunion. When I received the link to "Jesus Is Still The Answer" I knew I had to write this. That song stuck in my mind and mouth all day yesterday and last night. It brought back a lot of these memories of my life and I could not sleep, feeling burdened to write this. I hope and pray that if anyone reads it they will be encouraged and blessed. I am grateful blessed to serve a living God and to have been a small participant in the ministries so all our YAF leaders.

Q10: The Lord has answered my prayers for significance in my life. He has allowed me to go back to my home in Liberia, West Africa, leading a number of missions teams to help rebuild this war torn country and the devastated lives of so many.
Over half the population of 3.5 million people is under 15 years old, the average age is 18.

Over 25 years of civil unrest, 15 of those years being all out civil war have devastated the country. There was no public electricity or running water and nearly no schools for 15 years.

There is no where else in the world where we as Christians can help rebuild a nation and its people with the same impact that we can in Liberia. And right now its a race, either the Christians will step up to the plate and do it or the muslims will - and they are there.

In the last 3 years we have been able to do so much, yet so much more needs to be done. In everything we do it is because God loves them and sent us. We have been able to rebuild a building for a mission organization, put wells in villages and orphanages, distribute children's clothes (Gerber Childrenswear has donated thousands of $$$ on several occassions), provided medical care, provided a large generator to supply electricity to a mission compound housing a hospital, radio station, school, HQ for Samaratans Purse, and housing for many foreign missionries, conducted management training sessions for national ministry leaders and in several government departments, providing 30 scholarships this year for kids to go to school (no free schools) and conducting evanglistic services with preaching and singing. I have not, nor could I have done all this by myself. But God gave me a mouth to tell others of the needs and His faithful have stepped up to help do these things. And since I am not a preacher it is my joy to simply share Christ's love in action in all we are doing there.

The youth of this young country desperately need our help. I have camp facilities waiting for someone to go run a camp program. I was told, If I will run or get someone to run a camp, the facilities are mine for the using...FREE! Anyone intersted in getting involved in any ministry opportunity in Liberia? Please call me at 864.363.8517.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Kevin McCartney

Q1: Kevin McCartney


Q3: Clayton, NC

Q4: Executive Director - Rick & Mick Ministries

Q5: Bonnie McCartney

Q6: Kenny McCartney, age 28 (one son)- Married last May (Ashley). In final year of his Masters of Divinity. Desire to teach with Joe Hale/Dennis Lugar, NICS.

Q7: - Everything rises and falls on leadership

Q8: LU was a life changing experience for me! What a privilage to be apart of those young years as this college developed and to see God's hand building a first class christian university from a local church, through the vision of Dr. Falwell, joined by several men of God! ILA was terrific under Gordon's direction.. in seeing several souls from various cities across America, come to know Christ as Savior.

Q9: God gave me my life's partner at LU (Bonnie Sue Andrews), for which I give Him all the praise. Ten years in Electronic Mfg. as Operations Mgr., then 17 years as Tech. Support/Regional Sales Mgr. with territory from Puerto Rico to Maine, east of the Mississippi. Heavy travel on the East Coast and regularly to Taiwan and China. Prayed for full time ministry opportunity for 7 years and God answered giving me the desire of my heart... joining Rick & Mick Vigneulle Ministries.

Q10: Really looking forward to eternity with God our Father, my Savior Jesus, family and life long friends in heaven and the new heaven on earth. Let's spread the good news and get Him to come back soon and take us home!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Monday, August 24, 2009

Paul Burneson










Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Susan Dungan DeWitt

Q1: Susan DeWitt

Q2: Dungan

Q3: Lynchburg, VA

Q4: PE/Health High School Teacher

Q5: Tom DeWitt

Q6: Ryan Reese - 26 years old. Married to his high school sweetheart, Kristin, and having their first baby in October.
Cash DeWitt - 20 years old and attending JMU.
Cameron Jade DeWitt is 18 years old and attending VT

Q7: I still love the picture of the wheel that Gordon would draw with the hub, encouraging us to be balanced in all areas of our life. You will never know how many times I have drawn this on my school chalkboards and passed it on to my students.

Q8: Traveling with Youth Aflame and doing high school assemblies gave me the desire to work with high school students. I chose my life profession because of my years at TRBC being involved in the youth department. I have loved teaching and coaching teenagers in the public schools and used so many of the principles Gordon taught us in our meetings.

Q9: The most rewarding adventure I have had is raising 3 kids. It has affected every decision I have made especially in the last 12 years. To trust God to be committed to doing the right thing and not live only for myself.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Tara Rader Venning

Q1: Tara R. Venning

Q2: Tara Rader

Q3: Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia

Q4: Real Estate


Kristy - 23
Jamie - 17
Allison - 16
Lauren - 13

Q7: Favorite memory, without a doubt, is our trip to Hawaii! Also traveling the country with "I Love America." I had so many wonderful experiences that I would have never had without being a part of this group. It meant the world to me that Gordon believed in me (I was VERY shy) and offered me a job working at Treasure Island. It was the HARDEST work I EVER did! I guess this was the summer we were getting the camp ready. But I learned a lot about diligence and serving God behind the scenes. As far as a quote from Gordon - I know it has something to do with leadership.

Q8: I love Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount about building your life on the rock. Because when the storms do come, it is too late to start building! Being a part of this amazing youth group and ministry definitely helped lay the foundation for my life.

Q9: Going through a dark valley in my life has taught me that God is faithful. His ways are good, true and higher than our ways. He has NEVER, NEVER, NEVER disappointed!

Q10: Look forward to seeing you guys! In going through these names, many of them sound very familiar but forgive my if I don't remember all of you! :)

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Ric Revely

Q1: Ric Revely


Q3: Huntington WV

Q4: Asst. Pastor

Q5: Geane'

Q6: Richard K Revely II

Mark A Revely
Endia T revely
Erica J Revely

Q7: Get all excited.

Q8: Meeting Gordon Luff and his family ~I remember his son who where a joy to work with and be around both in Lynchburg and in Dallas Tx makes me know that God is a forgiving God , that he looks beyond any of human weakness and and lack of understanding and still shines his mercy and grace upon each of us. Thanks, Gordon, for showing me God that God does not see me as man often does! that he see my heart and not the color of my skin, and that I am wonderfully and divinely made by an eternial and everlasting God of love .

Q9: There has been so so very many that have been a part of transforming my life and ministry, But being at Liberty back in the day of riding the old yellow school buses that oftened broke down, there I learned to pray and trust God! even there when I felt rejection because of the color of my skin. I still Knew that God has lead me there ,getting to be involved with the TRYM~Thomas road youth ministry with Dennis Henderson ~ Who was God sent into my life. (And Who again invited me to Dallas ) Wow it all was such a blessing that still makes me smile yes there was hard times , hurting times, even disappoiting time But as Doug O would sang " Through it all I've leaned to trust in God... yes Through it all. Then getting hooked up with the Youth Aflame Singers, going to the high school and Churches , sharing our faith and love for God.. "That was a movement" And I Know God is still moving in our lives today.. praise his holy name.The movement still lives in each other us that believe.

Q10: Having been in Ministry now over 30 years,being ordained by three differnet religious bodies,.. God has shown me how to serve. Whereever it might be at that time, I rememeber Liberty ~ LBC Where Dr. Falwell would say.not only give me that mountain, but he started out trying to train us to believe in whatever area we served keep God first and be a witness.And that all I have been doing and I plan to do until the day he calls me home.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Jessica Hale

Q1: Jessica Hale

Q2: Smith

Q3: Seoul, Korea

Q4: High School Social Studies Teacher at Yongsan International School of Seoul

Q5: Benjamin Hale

Q6: Gabriel Allen- 5yrs
Kellyn Ann- 3yrs

Q7: So many to name...our 'charges' from the maroon Youth Aflame devotionals at Lassen Pines camp. The times we sang, had 'rock parties' (consisted of cleaning up the rocks on the camp grounds), sermons about making 'choices' and character...

Q8: The impact the Luff family has had on my life is immense. Dottie was my first and sixth grade teacher, Inger was my third grade teacher and Gordon mentored me through my high school years. I met my husband at Lassen Pines camp where we were given the opportunity to be challenged to be leaders and follow Christ in a distinct way. What I have learned from Gordon and the Luff family has made me much of what I am today. The tools I learned through the ministry, particularly at Lassen Pines, helped me to not just survive my high school years but thrive in my walk with Christ. As I work with high school kids in an international setting, I find myself drawing on much of what Gordon instilled in us on Mt. Lassen.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pennie Knutson Hatcher

Q1: Pennie Hatcher

Q2: Knutson

Q3: Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Q4: Wife and ministry partner, teacher of English as a Foreign Language

Q5: David Hatcher

Q7: If you’re gonna set up a chair in a gym for a kid, set it up right.

The Holy Spirit is just as present in a Wednesday planning meeting as He is with you shooting from the hip on Sunday. If you didn’t prepare, don’t expect the Holy Spirit to bail you out!

Q8: He taught me EXCELLENCE and VISION.

It was always about the individual, the kid who would come to know Christ and have his life transformed. We had to set that chair up right because a kid who needed Jesus would sit in it. Gordon required and inspired EXCELLENCE, not for his own image or reputation, but for the Lord Jesus Christ and the sake of that kid.

He taught us that VISION is to see through Spirit eyes what that kid can be. Love him. Invest in him. Teach to his needs. Reach out to him. Go get him. Pray for him. Grab him in a holy grip and don’t let go. Work by faith. Believe in what you can’t see now. Sow in tears, reap in joy.

When I was a Junior in high school, I WAS THAT KID. It was in Hawaii, at a tent meeting where the LBC Chorale and All God’s Children were singing. I had never seen anything like it – their joy, their passion, the impact on the listeners. When it was over, Gordon came over to me, snatched me up out of that folding metal chair and growled – “Why don’t you do something with your life?” He saw me through Spirit eyes. He grabbed me in that holy grip and didn’t let go. He let me work that summer at Treasure Island camp – no pay, just a bed and food. I was bitten, smitten, and in love with youth ministries and what was going on at LBC and TRBC. But my first year of college I went to another school because they offered a scholarship, and I didn’t have the money to go to LBC. When “I Love America” came to that city, I went back stage to say hi to my old friends, and ran into Gordon (this is a full two years later.) He says, “I thought I told you to do something with your life! Why aren’t you at Liberty?” (and in the same breath) “Can you sing?” I stood there dumbstruck, and a few months later found myself on a bus with Youth Aflame singers.

Youth Ministries became short term cross cultural youth ministries (summers in Korea with the “Moke”), which begat a willingness, and then a desire, and then a calling to minister abroad.

Q9: Ministering in a language and culture not your own has a soul-stripping and cleansing effect.

Culture shock has caused me to distill my Christianity to its essence. I have been forced to consider every large and small aspect of my belief system, and determine if I hold to some idea or method or truth because it is Biblical, or because it is American, or how I was reared, or simply because it’s my way. Whatever is not Biblical has to go.

The “squeeze” has brought out character defects in me that I didn’t even know I had.

Linguistic incompetence and cultural ineptness are powerful humbling agents. When you’re working and ministering in another language and culture, if you don’t have love, you really are nothing but a gong. I get “gonged” a lot! Lord, change me!

Q10: Gordon, Dennis Henderson, Larry Colclasure, Doug Randlett, Doug Turner, Dave Adams and all the rest - you guys were career guys. You were about the mission God had for your lives. And you let us in on it. You invested in us as individuals. You let us share the vision. You let us plan and run the program. You believed we were the men and women for the hour. You granted us privileges, and entrusted us with incredible responsibility. I can’t help but ask myself sometimes - what were you thinking? Your humility, your faith, your trust in God – I hope all of you know that it has been well placed, and that you reap in joy what you sowed in the fields of our hearts. I, for one, am grateful.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Randy Stemm

Q1: Randy Stemm


Q3: Nunnelly, TN (Nashville area)

Q4: Field Sales--Territory Manager/Director of Field Sales-Provident Music Dist.

Q5: (Single)


Q7: At our Baccalaureate service,(1974) Gordon, thinking I was involved in a prank--"School's Out For Summer" by Alice Cooper--blaring out thru the Thomas Road sound system during Dr. Jerry's message, grabbed me from behind, while I was seated with my parents. I had nothing to do with it, but my famous roommate--Robbie Hiner--did! He had mentioned the possibility of doing something mischevious, but I had honestly forgotten all about it, so I was as shocked, and embarassed as everyone else when it actually happened!! By the way, Dr. Falwell handled the situation beautifully!

Q8: Gordon, I honestly thought you were a rough and tough guy until I saw your heart! Your love and concern for your students and your kids was unmistakable. I was somewhat rebellious, and was not part of Youth Aflame while at Liberty, but God did a major work in my life after graduation!

Q9: First, this is an ongoing process! In the fall of 1975, after working at a Christian radio station in Waterloo, IA, I auditioned with the Life Action Singers during a week-end visit to the area. I was invited to join as a tenor, and spent the next 3 years with Life Action. God used men like Vernon Brewer, Del Fehsenfeld, and several others. My life and my commitment to the Lord has never been the same! I wouldn't trade those 3 years (1975-78)for anything in the world!

Q10: God has been faithful! After Life Action, I joined the staff of Tabernacle Baptist Church and Christian School in Springfield, TN to launch a new Christian radio station. I taught 7th through 9th grade while trying to get the station running. Sadly, the station never materialized, but working in Christian Music (sales) then became my career--Brentwood Records to Light Records to Sparrow Records (EMI-CMG Distribution) to Provident Distribution (Sony/BMG) It has been a joy to work at something I love, and has been life-changing in it's sphere of influence. Getting to know, and work with the artists is another huge blessing! I've been truly blessed!!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Susie Smith Offenbacker

Q1: Susie Smith Offenbacker

Q2: Smith

Q3: Audubon, New Jersey

Q4: Realtor/Human Resources Assistant


Q6: H. Christopher - 24 years old
Ryan Garrison - 21 years old
Paris Nicole - 9 years old

Q7: Gordon believed in me and gave me a spot on the YA Singers and Chorale. It was Gordon's vision and love for God that took us across the US and the world. Gordon reflected God's view by looking not only at our abilities but our availabilities and heart position.

Q8: Gordon impacted my life by opening the door for me to be a part of something so much bigger than myself. Being a part of YA Singers and Liberty Chorale gave me a first hand glimpse into how God goes before us and prepares the way so miracles happen and lives are changed.

Q9: Once God has called you by name and you are His; you are always His child. God is a God of mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love. When I became a parent, it helped show me how God feels towards me. God never changes in an ever-changing world. God is my provider, protector, and dependable friend.

Q10: Attend Gloucester County Community Church in Washington Township, New Jersey.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Friday, August 7, 2009

Linda Elliott

Q1: Linda Elliott

Q2: Linda Holaway

Q3: Porterville, CA

Q4: Homemaker

Q5: Steve Elliott

Q6: Stephanie 30, married to Bill Thompson. They have 3 children Steven 4,Austin 2 and Teagan 3 months. Weston 28, married to Amanda. Brandon 25, married to Esmer. They have one son named Samuel, 3 1/2 months old. Tiphanie is our baby and she is 23 and not married yet.

Q7: I loved Gordon's genuine love for the Lord and youth. I loved his passion for sharing God's messege through music.


Q9: Life has been full of so many adventures that I wouldn't know where to start. God transforms me daily whether it be gentle nudges or gouges. I have poured my life into being a wife to Steve for 33 years and a mom to our four kids and now four grandkids. That was really was always my passion. Our children have grown up loving God and having Him as a priority in their lives. To me, I can die happy with that. I am so thankful to God for their lives and the Light they shine. I am blessed!

Q10: Our sons and son-in-law are all cops. Funny, I spent most of my life trying to avoid them.:) I'm telling on myself! I have a picture of them in my wallet next to my drivers licence. I call their picture my "get out of jail free card". I don't know why I'm telling you that - I guess I'm just keeping it real.:)

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Steve Elliott

Q1: Steve Elliott


Q3: Porterville, CA

Q4: Truck Driver

Q5: Linda Holaway

Q6: Stephanie married to Bill Thompson
Three children - Steven 4, Austin 2, and Teagan 3 mos.
Weston married to Amanda
Brandon married to Esmer
One child - Samuel 3 mos.
Tiphanie - Not married yet

Q7: Gordon's big smile was always fun to see.

Q8: Even though I never became a paid youth minister I have always been involved with youth is some aspect. I always have the attitude that Gordon portrayed, the importance of instilling Christ in young lives.

Q9: Marriage and raising four children.

Q10: See ya all in heaven!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Ron Lance

Q1: Ron Lance


Q3: Springboro, Ohio

Q4: Regional Sales Director - Genentech USA

Q5: Kelly Cunningham Lance

Q6: 2 Daughters - Jordan (15) and Sydney (13)

Q7: My favorite memory of Gordon is ... tough love when he needed to be, great leader, passion and a love for investing in kids with Gods Love!



Q10: My Liberty experience was a great launching pad for my life. Blessed to have married my BEST friend Kelly. We have two beautiful and healthy daughters, Kelly is highly involved in the women's ministry at our church, lived all over the country and traveled to more places on this globe than I would have ever imagined. Add to that the privilege of working with a world class Biotech organization and the Good Lord wrote a great script for the Lance Family! And to think part of that journey started on a muddy mountain in VA, chapels in a tent, long weekends on old gray hound bus with the YA singers and some wonderful friends and great memories!

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Robin Boeck Schmitt

Q1: Robin Boeck Schmitt

Q2: Boeck

Q3: Chesterfield, VA (near Richmond)

Q4: homemaker, home educator & bookkeeper for family business

Q5: Todd Schmitt

Q6: Taylor, 19
Travis, 17
Brittany, 16

Q7: I didn't know Gordon personally, but I was in "All God's Children" under the direction of Larry Colclasure. Larry loved people and loved the Lord and encouraged us in serving God and others.


Q9: God has used various trials to show me the importance of depending on and trusting Him.

Q10: Todd and I got married in 1983 and moved to Richmond in 1992. I have home schooled our children since 1995. Our two sons have graduated and are working in our new construction and remodeling business. Taylor will be going to Parris Island, SC in October to begin a 4 year tour with the Marines. Brittany has 2 more years of school and hopes to be an author.

Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other