Q1: David Lavender
Q3: Washington Court House, Ohio
Q4: media (AV) technician in Columbus, Ohio
Q5: Marilyn (Bailey) Lavender - worked for Old Time Gospel Hour
Q6: Matthew - 23
Timothy - 19
Kevin - 18
Q7: There are so many. I remember one of the last group meetings we had at Huntington Beach, California. Can't remember for sure, but I think it was on our way back from our last trip to Australia during the summer of 1980. Anyway, we knew it would probably be one of the last times we would be together before going our separate ways. We were all sitting around Gordon and he was giving one of his inspirational talks and encouraging us to follow Christ no matter what direction life takes us. It was a special moment that I've thought of often thru the years. I remember trying to soak up the moment, knowing we were all moving on and being so thankful for what God had done in the lives of those we ministered too on our mission trip, and what God was doing in our lives to give us a heart for ministry.
Q8: The Youth Aflame Outreach ministry has had a tremendous affect on my life in how I've viewed ministry. I believe I grew in the Lord through emeasurable ways, that I was not aware of at the time. I can look back now and see how God has directed my steps and purpose of ministry since. I had the opportunity to work for a viewer supported television station during the mid to late 80's and learned to depend on God's provision with little income. I had recently married, shortly after graduation from LBC, when my wife and I started working together at a local television ministry in Ashland, KY. We worked on and developed several programs related to youth outreach, including "Mr. Bigg's Backyard" and a Christian video show called "Power Connection," where we interviewed program participants in the field and in studio, with area youth groups and musicians. We also had the opportunity to start up and work with a bus ministry at Franklin Furnace Baptist Church during the late 80's and most of the 90's. We have moved on to other jobs and ministry since, but we give credit to those years of spiritual growth in Youth Aflame to give us boldness and desire to reach out to others through God's strength and purpose.
Q9: After leaving full time ministry in television broadcasting, I worked for a time in the steel industry and then on to work as an AV technician in a medical center. However, the most challenging time was very personal and difficult. My wife had been home schooling when our children were very young and both of her parents became ill. We had to take them both in to care for and her father passed away shortly after they moved in with us. Soon afterward, my wife went through a long and debilating depression that lasted for several years. I had also been taking extra classes along with working late hours at the hospital and we were beginning to feel a lot of pressure and strain from the effects of both. Due to several circumstances, I left the hospital to work away from home in North Carolina and we were apart for several months. I can remember starting to feel that things were getting out of control and I was losing hope for direction in life. However, I remember also reading my Bible each day and praying more than I had ever had before. God brought us through that time of doubt and searching, and we as a family are stronger for it.
Q1 Name | Q2 Maiden name | Q3 Where do you live
Q4 Occupation | Q5 Spouse | Q6 Kids/grandkids
Q7 Memory/quote of Gordon | Q8 Career affected
Q9 Walk with God | Q10 Other