Q3: Naperville, IL - Western suburb of Chicago
Q4: Professional Geek (Computer Consultant)
Q5: Joy Beth Hosier (Kendall)
Q6: Jonathan, age 24 and Jaclyn, age 20.
Q7: "Everything rises and falls on leadership."
"Don't say where is it at, where is it!"
Q8: Gordon taught me a practical work ethic that can be applied to both life and ministry. The kind of attitude that gives feet and hands to faith and that James wrote about in the New Testiment. He often said to "work like everything depends on you and pray like everything depends on God."
Q9: A 20+ year marriage to Joy and raising 2 kids with her has been the most trasforming adventure in my life. I am pretty thick headed and stubborn and God is using my family to teach me important life lessons. Many lessons I have to go through again and again (thick headed). One of the things I am learning is that the most worthwhile things are worth working at.
Q10: "Life is what happens when you have other plans." I would not have planned my journey the way it turned out, but I would not trade where I am now for anything else.